Any building is a by-product of eternal living force, a spiritual force taking form in time and place appropriate to man.
Early in life I had choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose the former and have seen no reason to change.
He is loved to be hated.
A free America... means just this: individual freedom for all, rich or poor, or else this system of government we call democracy is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine and make him like it.
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Frank Lloyd Wright's Prophecy
I am reading a lot of things about Frank Lloyd Wright, as I am translating a book about him and writing a thesis on this great architect.
He is the best-known architect in the US, probably in the world. Since I used to work at Myonichkan, a school designed by him and his pupil Arata Endo, I had a blessing to fully experience the wonderful architecture.
If one sums up just one word to describe Wright’s architectural philosophy, it is “organic architecture”: a building created naturally as if it comes out from the soil with materials and design most suitable to its land, era and inhabitants in an attempt to make the dwellers’ life most beautiful and meaningful; “that’s the mission of the architect”, he said.
Any building is a by-product of eternal living force, a spiritual force taking form in time and place appropriate to man.
I have just interpreted his philosophy in an ultimate way, but it is so profound that ten thousand words are not enough to fully explain anyway. He himself wrote a number of books, but they are said to be too poetic and difficult to read.
2017 marks his 150th birth anniversary and thus related events are underway in many places including a retrospective exhibition in MoMA, and Japan is no exception. Of course, publication of related books is very active too.
Wright is a very influential architect, offering a variety of stories and buildings in his long life, so that there are hundreds of books and thesis on him by architectural critics, scholars and novelists. I have not read all of them, but in general, he is perceived as a man of genius but also of arrogance and sarcasm.
Early in life I had choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose the former and have seen no reason to change.
This famous quote and such have established his lofty image, together with various private life stories that are not necessarily favorable: he did not admit Japanese influence on his work; his Imperial Hotel was actually damaged by the quake but he did not tell that; he fled with a wife of his client to Europe leaving his wife and six children behind; he got married two more times after that; he purchased a tremendous number of Japanese woodprints and made money out of selling those pieces; he kept asking his clients for money….
Most writers of his books denounce his personal character as much as, or more than, they admire him as a genius.
The biography by Meryle Secrest is one of the best in this category. The 600 hundred-page book is consisted of small characters, one of which as tiny as a third of a rice grain, and contains many English words unfamiliar to me. Without a dictionary and eye drops, I could not read it and really had a hard time when I started reading it; in fact I needed to go to the library from the end of the last year to focus on reading. Yet, it is worth reading, as it is based on thousands of materials and resources. As an excellent writer, Secrest has her own style of writing and developing a story, which never made me tired of reading.
What fascinated me most was her capability of describing numerous events and people coming by through his long life of 92 years in a vivid and poetic way. The writer takes a very objective stance, keeping a certain distance from the objects she was writing on.
But because of this stance, she never lets off Wright’s personal shortcomings. I think no readers of the book ever come to love the architect. Not only Secrest’s, but also other books have the same kind of critical stance toward Wright. Professor Masami Tanigawa, the most well-known Wright scholar in Japan, whom I have met many times, too seems to like condemning the architect rather than admiring. I guess scholars are that kind of people anyway.
Wright is loved to be hated.
So, what if reading Wright’s own books? Well, his writings are not favorably perceived by the readers who say that they had many dogmatic phrases that are hard to understand and even disgusting, that there is a lot of false information added for the purpose of making him grander than he actually was.
However, probably because of lack of my knowledge still, since I first saw his building 20 some years ago, I have kept thinking that all these criticisms against Wright have hindered one to understand his most important message. I see a reason for his seemingly arrogant attitude. The fact that Wright called a mass a “mob”, which surely made him look very snobbish, has a decent reason for him. He thought urban concentration was the root of all evil. In a TV interview show that Wright appeared in his final years, he criticized big cities such as NYC, but the interviewer did not get what he meant and even teased him as an exaggerated, old-fashioned man.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeKzIZAKG3E
This morning on my way to the station I saw a young mother on a bike carrying her child in the front cage, hurrying while avoiding carefully not to crash passers-by. She looked so dangerous. She must have rushed to get herself ready to go out, bringing the child to the nursery school and going to office. And after her work is done, she must again hurry to get her child back---her husband might do it in turn---, go home, do the household chores, spending a busy night and getting ready for a busier morning again. This goes on and on every day. Without a relaxing time together with her kids and husband, how could they relax too?
I guess they can go work and study lively when there is someone as a wife or mother waiting for them at home. (I do agree the importance of women’s career building, of course, but what I mean here is a different issue.)
What makes our lives so hectic is too much concentration of urban population. Having a house for a family in my vicinity requires both husband and wife in their 30’s to have jobs to earn enough money. A small and simple house without any vista or garden still demands the couple to pay back a 30-year loan. But is it worth?
What if somewhere rich in nature, obviously not in Tokyo, there is a certain population forming a good city with schools and workplaces? What if the land is spacious enough to build a house and garden with an inexpensive price?
Unfortunately, however, there is no such a city in Japan. Everything is concentrated in biggest cities, and other places are much less developed to be called cultural cities. Some old cities have remains of their historic assets to attract tourists, but they can never excel in Tokyo anyway---although Tokyo, Yokohama, and Osaka are not so beautiful and attractive either. Japanese suburbs look totally the same anywhere with chain stores along the main streets, making no difference wherever one goes. They are the towns created by the automobile oriented society.
That is different from what Wright meant by the attractiveness of the machine. He welcomed the machine age as it provides advanced technologies to build good houses efficiently and inexpensively and the car to live in wider areas.
For instance, areas such as Mejiro and Ochiai in Tokyo were upscale residential areas and still are. Even though each housing space has reduced to one tenth of what used to be, the land price is astonishingly as high as some hundred million yen. In the past the residents did not own cars and had their chuffers pick them up if needed.
Now, however, every house has cars, mostly imported or at least large-sized ones. So, the dwellers have to build garages---in most cases for two cars per house---in the façades of their houses along the streets and their entrances are set aside. They cannot have grand gates and hedges that they used to have. The streets are as narrow as the past, so driving and parking are a hard task. One is required for an acrobatic skill to park a car backward. The other day, I saw in Mejiro a truck keeping scratching a traffic sign as it could not make a turn in the corner. Passers-by get scary each time a car passes their sides. This is one of the towns of people earning the best incomes in Japan.
Wright had a project called “Broadacre City” calling for one acre per person to live. There one can grow vegetables. There were about 100 million Americans at that time and if one acre was allocated for each person, the total land required was still smaller than the land of Texas, according to Wright. He believed a good living environment helps grow inhabitants, a city and culture.
The core of a city needs culture which needs a balance of housing, business, education and art. But excessive capitalism and resulting worship of money have destroyed the balance.
A small gardenless ready-built house in my neighborhood is worth for a young couple to pay back a more than 30 year loan in an economic sense, but I doubt if it in a real sense. Wright would know that. His foreseeability was beyond ordinary people at that time (or even today).
In my opinion, his self-importance is not to appeal himself as an architect, but for the mission as one to fight against imminent crisis. He never cared about the fame provided to him by authorities from time to time, but he rather tried to find the way to enlighten the importance of homes as a base of human activities and wisdom in accordance with natural law, to build such houses and to educate young followers.
The USA was still a young country; his parents came from England. Wright wanted to contribute to building a new and free nation.
A free America... means just this: individual freedom for all, rich or poor, or else this system of government we call democracy is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine and make him like it.
Yesterday, I saw a CM on the train and could not help feeling horrified: a man is talking to a tiny robot gently, “someday you might be able to understand me more than anybody else” We are already enslaved by the machine such as computers and smart phones, but at last the robot…Oh, Wright the prophet!
I still want to or have to write a lot more about the architect. Hope I will write a good report!
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